random thoughts, musings and workings of a totally warped mind. tintin is a colorblind writer who paints,dreams of flying a kite along EDSA, teaches middle & high school writing & literature, and is the future mother of Kulay and Una Rosa Maria.

Thursday, September 11, 2003

i didn't have to scroll down my blog to see that practically all my entries are about or for Kulas. that isn't a problem, really, right? hehe. that's basically the thing with blogging anyway: to write down what your heart speaks of, the chaos in your brain even.

kulas accompanied me to the bank earlier and i'm glad my friend has already deposited what she owed me. now i can have my coffee!

call me colonial but i simply love starbucks coffee and for a caffeine dependent like me, it's just what i've ever asked for. hmmm. i sound like a TV ad that sucks.


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