random thoughts, musings and workings of a totally warped mind. tintin is a colorblind writer who paints,dreams of flying a kite along EDSA, teaches middle & high school writing & literature, and is the future mother of Kulay and Una Rosa Maria.

Friday, November 26, 2004

fuck fuck fuck! Blogger just ate an entry I wrote for an hour!


Blogger Cristina said...

welcome to the club *grumble grumble*. best to write on Word muna so if blogger acts up (which it does when you least expect it) you still have what you wrote intact :)

1:10 PM

Blogger Cecil said...

this happened to me more than once... but i can't bring myself to do it in word before pasting it to blog... cause it means i have to adjust my ' and " to something compatible to my font.

i do normally select all and copy to my clipboard in case blogger messes up... it's hanging in the air then but at least i have a bit of back up.

12:59 PM

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12:22 AM


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