random thoughts, musings and workings of a totally warped mind. tintin is a colorblind writer who paints,dreams of flying a kite along EDSA, teaches middle & high school writing & literature, and is the future mother of Kulay and Una Rosa Maria.

Monday, August 29, 2005

How we lose ourselves is a puzzle,
a simple jigsaw with pieces too familiar
at times too common and small
that we think
everything fits
only to find out something is missing
in the end.

Like we lose pencils, even when we remember
we put it there,
a stash of receipts, crumpled grocery lists,
birth certificates, report cards—
we rummage through,
search under closets,
and everything just seems to be missing
or could it be
this staggering business
of losing things, keys, answers, faces,

losing selves, minds, hearts,
is really a game
we like playing
and losing
over and over.


Blogger sam said...

this one's nice :) i hope we get to see eachother soonest :)

10:23 AM


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